How to be smart – 10 habits to boost your brain power!

Neurons and nervous system

Have you ever wondered if you could increase your intelligence? Well, the great news is that you simply can! Read these 10 research-backed habits on how to be smart. And, before you begin picturing yourself as the next Einstein overnight, let’s set the record straight: we’re not promising instant genius “brain power” status here. However, what we can definitely do is assist you tweak your daily habits and routines in a way that gradually enhances your cognitive abilities.

What is Intelligence?

Before we get into boosting our brainpower, let’s break down what intelligence really means. Intelligence is like this all-in-one package deal for your brain. It’s about being a good at learning stuff, thinking logically, remembering things, coming up with cool ideas, and just being able to roll with life’s changes. Plus, it’s also about how you connect with others, understand the world around you, and even get your groove on physically or artistically.

But here’s the best thing about it: intelligence isn’t something stuck in one place; it’s more like a work in progress. It’s flexibility means you can keep growing and getting smarter throughout your life.

How do you make that happen? Here’s an easy answer for you – habits. The things you do every day, and your usual routines can be the secret recipe to getting smarter.

Where do I Start?

Alright, so you’re probably sitting there, wondering, “Where do I even start?” Well, worry not, my friend, for I have some simple modifications to your daily schedule that can make a lot of difference.

1.  Get enough zzz’s

Top view of young beautiful woman dreaming in bed and relaxing at night. High angle view of woman with closed eyes sleeping well at home in the dark. Beautiful girl sleeping peacefully under blue blanket in her bedroom at late in night.

We cannot emphasize enough how important sleep is for ensuring a healthy brain. Studies shows that when you sleep, your brain takes a breather and works its magic. It eliminates the clutter that builds up throughout the day, allowing space for fresh ideas and sharper thinking. Therefore, if you’ve been staying up late, it may be time to reevaluate your priorities and make an effort to get at least 7 hours of good sleep every night. Your brain will genuinely thank you for it.

2.  Chow down on brain-boosting foods

Avocado, soft boiled egg, tomatoes, lettuce and toast on a plate. Healthy food.

Now, let’s talk about what’s on your plate. You’ve likely heard the saying, “You are what you eat,” and this is also true for your brain. Giving your brain a special diet of brain-enhancing foods is like treating it like a VIP. Additionally, nutritionists have stressed that the key move is to maintain a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and omega-3-rich fish to keep your mind sharp.

3.  Exercise your brain and body

Top view of confident fit couple exercising with medicine ball while sitting on exercise mats in gym

Here’s a little-known fact: exercise benefits more than just your muscles. It also serves as a brain’s power-up button! A study found that when you sweat, your blood vessels expand and more blood can flow to your brain. Your neurons are fed by the increased blood flow, which makes them happier and more effective. So get those limbs moving, whether it’s a morning jog, a dance class, or even a brisk walk in the park, and your brain will thank you with a boost in cognitive function.

4.  Watch your screen time

Close-up of young man looking at his watch and checking his time with mobile phone

According to research, how we use screens is more important than how long we spend in front of them. We all adore our screens, whether it’s for social media scrolling or binge-watching our favorite shows. The problem is that excessive screen time, especially right before bed, can interfere with your sleep cycles and your ability to focus during the day. To get the recommended seven hours of sleep each night and maintain concentration and alertness during the day, it’s imperative to strike a balance between screen time and offline activities.

5.  Remember to remember

Elderly man playing chess, he is exercising his memory

An article shows memory and intelligence go together like peanut butter and jelly. Try experimenting with different memory strategies, work on your reading comprehension, and do critical thinking exercises. Start with something fun and manageable, like memorizing your favorite song lyrics or the punchlines from your go-to comedy shows. It’s like daily brain training!

6.  Stay curious

Curious guy taking pleasure in watching video in vr headset

Do you recall how intriguing everything was when you were younger? Well, it’s time to tap into that inner child and never stop asking questions. An article says that curiosity is the key to effective and enjoyable learning. Dive into books, lose yourself in documentaries, take online courses, or simply explore any topic that tickles your curiosity. Your brain only grows stronger the more you learn.

7.  Meditate

Time to meditate. Cropped shot of an unrecognizable young woman meditating on the beach

Imagine meditation as a mental spa day. Deep meditation slows down your brain activity, allowing it to rest and reorganize itself. One study has shown that incorporating meditation into your daily routine for at least three months can significantly boost your attention span and overall brain function. So why not give it a try?

8.  Socialize and learn from others

Diverse and playful group of young people dancing and socializing together at daytime garden party – Multigenerational joyful family enjoying their holidays outdoors – Focus on African man

Studies shows humans are wired to be social creatures, and our brains thrive on connections. Spending time with loved ones, fostering connections, and having in-depth, meaningful conversations not only helps you maintain emotional equilibrium but also offers your brain beneficial stimulation and development opportunities.

9.  Set goals, big or small 

Three businessmen’s hands pointing to a dart board to set goals for the future together successful business idea Teamwork and goals

Goal-setting isn’t just a career thing; it’s a brain thing too! Whether you’re tackling a new hobby, aiming for a promotion, or planning your dream vacation, setting goals provides your brain with purpose, motivation, and a sense of achievement. In fact, studies show that when we set a goal, we are also biologically programming our brains to change and create new behaviors to reach our goals.

10.   Stay positive

Feeling amazing. African american cute girl smiling and showing thumps up

Last but not least, maintain that sunny disposition. As much of a cliché as it is, staying positive can work wonders for your intelligence. Remember, intelligence isn’t just about quick thinking; it’s also about resilience and problem-solving. When life throws curve balls your way, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Every setback is a stepping stone toward greater wisdom.

According to Daniel Goleman, the author of “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence,” when it comes to mental skills like creative thinking, maintaining flexibility, and processing information more quickly, the brain benefits from increased prefrontal activity and a boost in positivity. Additionally, it encourages us to view things more broadly and from the perspective of “we” as opposed to “me.”


Boosting your brainpower isn’t a quick fix; it takes time and effort. So, here’s the lowdown: it all comes down to continuing good habits over time. Similar to caring for and watering a plant, it eventually develops into something impressive. Your habits are the care and feeding that your brain needs in this situation.

Now, let’s dive a little deeper into the whole intelligence deal. It’s crucial to understand that intelligence is more like a multi-layered cake with various flavors rather than a single trait that applies to everyone. Of course there is the intellectual layer, but there’s also the emotional layer, the social layer, and more. Your brain functions more like a Swiss Army knife with many different tools than just a simple calculator.

By including these extra strategies in your daily schedule, you’ll be on a solid track to not only enhancing your intelligence but also developing into a more well-rounded and informed individual. This means you’ll become better at thinking and solving problems, and you’ll also become more knowledgeable in various areas of life. So, keep up the good work, and you’ll see positive changes over time!

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